Turkish Angora Characteristics

Turkish Angora Beautiful and Intelligent

Turkish Angora is a feline companion that exudes elegance and brings charm to your home.

When you are traveling to Turkey, you can easily find them everywhere like in the streets, stores, homes, apartments, schools, hotels, every place you walk.

No wonder because Turkish people love them.

Beautiful Turkish Angora

This beautiful and intelligent breed is sure to captivate your heart with its striking looks and engaging personality.

Beautiful Angora Cat

Originating in Turkey, the Turkish Angora is renowned for its luxurious, silky coat that comes in a variety of colors, including white, black, blue, and red.

With its almond-shaped eyes and graceful posture, this breed embodies elegance and sophistication.

But it’s not just their appearance that sets Turkish Angora cats apart.

They are also known for their high intelligence and inquisitive nature, making them excellent feline companions.

Whether it’s playing fetch or learning tricks, these cats love to engage their minds and will always keep you entertained.

The cat is not only beautiful but also affectionate and loyal.

Discover more about this captivating breed and find out why Turkish people like this creature a lot.

Embark on a journey into the exquisite world of Turkish Angora cats and experience the elegance and endearing charm they bring to your life.

Why Are There So Many Cats in Turkey?

Why are cats so sacred in Turkey?
Beautiful Cat

Why do the Turkish love cats so much?

Turkish people love to raise cats.

We can easily find them everywhere in Turkey such as restaurants, roads, parks, offices, and even houses.

It can be connected back to the Ottoman times when the Mighty worshipped cats to be his pet.

Muhammad also blessed this animal in gratitude and gave cats the ability to land on His feet.

Most houses in Turkey are made of wood and this condition gives shelter for rats and mice to breed.

That’s why the presence of cats in the house is necessary.

Ancient Origins of Turkish Angora Cats

Turkish Angora originated from central Turkey, namely Anatolia, now known as Ankara Province.

It is descended from the African wildcats and is one of the ancient breeds of cat.

The breed has been documented as early as the 17th century.

Significance of Turkish Angora Cats in Turkish Culture

Turkish people have revered and cherished these beautiful cats.

They also believe that were the favored pets of ancient royalty.

It can also symbolize good luck, prosperity, and cleanliness.

I liked to see Angora cats when I traveled to Turkey and you might find the same.

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